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SAP GRC Training

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SAP GRC (Governance Risk Compliance) software solutions offer comprehensive compliance software solutions from SAP – one of the market leaders in ERP systems.

SAP GRC stands for Governance, Risk, and Compliance. Its purpose is to aid enterprises in managing risks effectively while mitigating or mitigating risks within their enterprise, maintaining regulatory compliance requirements, and creating sustainable governance practices.

SAP GRC training helps organizations to identify, analyze, and manage risks across different business functions, including HR, IT, Supply Chains, and Finance.

SAP GRC includes an impressive risk management module to aid companies in recognizing potential dangers, selecting preventative actions that best address them, and measuring real-time exposure levels. With SAP GRC’s Risk Management feature, companies can notice, assess and address these dangers effectively while keeping abreast of changing risk exposure levels in real time.

SAP GRC helps businesses prioritize risks more effectively and strategically allocate resources to address critical issues. With one consolidated risk analysis and management platform, companies can better assess, prioritise and allocate resources more effectively when solving crucial problems that require action now.

With the aid of risk management modules, companies gain the tools to implement and regularly review risk-based controls to minimize exposure.

Businesses can utilize SAP GRC to enhance both the governance of risk and procedures used for making decisions related to risk. Furthermore, its compliance management module makes the whole system even more vital.

Businesses operating within today’s complex regulatory environment must fulfil their responsibilities to comply with numerous laws, rules and industry standards; failing to do so may incur serious repercussions.

SAP GRC Training teaches firms how to get the most out of their GRC products while ensuring regulatory compliance.

Companies can now build controls that map to specific laws, automate compliance reviews and generate reports to demonstrate they have met regulatory requirements thanks to this technology.

This module assists organizations in streamlining compliance procedures, minimising costs associated with compliance measures and decreasing penalties and reputational losses due to non-compliance.

SAP GRC Training equips organisations with the knowledge and skills to effectively develop, manage, and use SAP GRC’s access control module.

Enterprises need assistance enforcing division of duties regulations that ensure no user is responsible for conflicting activities that could lead to fraud or errors in judgment. It provides service for this process through which enterprises can ensure SoD regulations are in effect and no single user takes on responsibility for conflicting activities that might lead to fraudulent practices or mistakes in judgment.

By employing an access control module, companies gain the power to define user roles, allocate access privileges and design processes for provisioning or de-provisioning users.

SAP GRC can assist businesses by helping to prevent unauthorised access to their information systems, protecting data integrity and complying with any requirements that might exist. Through adequate access controls, enterprises are given help in protecting against unauthorised entry to their information systems and meeting relevant compliance obligations.

SAP GRC also features a process control module that businesses may utilise to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of any internal controls they may have implemented, using SAP GRC as their access point. This module may help businesses assess a more holistic picture.

SAP GRC Training provides tools for automated control testing, identifying control gaps and documentation of control frameworks.

Process Control Module assists businesses by standardising control testing methods, decreasing control failure risk and increasing overall operational efficacy.

SAP GRC extends beyond its primary modules discussed so far to offer access to other capabilities and activities, including audit management, policy administration and continuous monitoring.

These new capabilities enable them to increase the effectiveness of their audit processes, streamline the management of policies and procedures, and monitor key risk indicators more closely in real-time.

SAP GRC Training offers an understanding of governance, risk, and compliance practices that can help increase accountability, transparency, and trustworthiness in organizations.

SAP GRC provides organizations with an all-encompassing suite of software solutions designed to address governance, risk, and compliance challenges they encounter every day.

These challenges may be categorised into regulatory, financial and operational. A complete framework and set of tools designed to assist businesses in actively managing risks while adhering to regulations and creating strong governance practices can help businesses.



Nope - Governance, Risk & Compliance or GRC does not fall under ERP's purview; ERP manages finance, accounting, inventory and supply chains while GRC covers business risks & compliance management.
SAP GRC includes compliance Calibrator, Process Control, Access Control, Risk Management and Fraud Management capabilities.
SAP GRC provides organisations with a complete risk, compliance, and control automation solution to detect noncompliance issues before incurring significant fines.
GRC tools help assess risks, monitor regulations, identify compliance issues and create and enforce corporate policies. Integration, analytics dashboards and reports facilitate data-driven decision-making and enhance decision-making processes.
Anyone with an essential awareness of IT, security, accounting, and business operations may study SAP GRC. It is exceptionally well suited for IT workers, auditors, security specialists, and consultants who must create and manage controls to maintain compliance with laws and internal rules.
1. Improved organisational control & visibility: SAP GRC gives organisations greater visibility and transparency into their processes and operations than paper-based technologies. 2. Automated risk assessments: SAP GRC can continuously monitor and detect hazards linked with a process or activity. 3. Better compliance: SAP GRC guarantees that an organisation follows all rules, laws, and internal policies. 4. Automated access control, segregations of roles, and change requests: SAP GRC streamlines manual and paper-based operations. It improves efficiency and cost.
GRC Security protects SAP data and applications. It helps consumers manage risk, comply, and cut expenses. Policy, access, user provisioning, vulnerability screening, and role mining are features. The package contains an integrated reporting engine, role-based dashboards, and extensive audit-ready logs.
Based on your program and materials selections, SAP GRC certification could cost between $1,500 to $4,000.
Risk Management, Access Control, SAP GRC Architecture, Compliance Management, SAP Security Administration Admin-Process Control-Technical Architecture Operational Risk Management Segregation of Duties Authorization Role Design Monitor Solutions Implementation Real-Time Compliance.
SAP GRC systems offer businesses an effective tool for optimizing governance, risk and compliance management. Using it ensures corporate compliance as well as sustainable development.


  • Knowledge of SAP Security and Authorization.
  • Possess an excellent grasp of audit requirements and processes & Awareness of Risk-Based Auditing.
  • Knowledge of IT Governance Principles and an Awareness of Access Control Principles.
  • Basic knowledge of SAP Base Module.
  • Skilled in IT Governance, Security and Information Management.
  • Working Knowledge of Database & System Structures.
  • Well-versed in Network Architecture.


  • Automated Access Reviews: SAP GRC Access Control can quickly and effortlessly review user access privileges in their systems, helping organisations streamline the review process while creating reports more rapidly and efficiently.
  • Risk and Compliance Management: SAP GRC helps organisations identify, assess, monitor, and comply with various compliance standards such as SOX, FISMA and others.
  • Analysis of Segregation of Duties (SoD): SAP GRC Access Control is designed to detect and reduce overlapped user privileges that could lead to mistakes or fraud.
  • Contract Management: SAP GRC assists companies with tracking and monitoring contracts to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. For auditing purposes, GRC Access Control logs user transactions automatically to offer an audit trail of what happened and when.

Target audiences

  • SAP GRC can assist enterprise-level organizations looking for ways to minimize risks and enhance compliance by offering solutions explicitly designed to achieve this objective.
  • These organizations often operate across an enormous geographical scope with many subsidiary operations that must adhere to local, regional and global rules and regulations.
  • These organizations may include international enterprises, healthcare providers, financial institutions, and government agencies.
  • By adopting SAP GRC, these organizations may reduce risk exposure, streamline and automate processes more efficiently and gain better insight into their operations.