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SAP Analytics Cloud Training

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SAP (SAP Analytics Cloud) is an advanced analytics platform hosted on a cloud environment by SAP – one of the industry-leading providers of business software solutions.

SAP allows organisations to gain insights, make choices based on accurate information, and drive business outcomes by consolidating data analytics, business intelligence and collaboration capabilities into one platform.

SAP Analytics Cloud has quickly become a go-to choice for enterprises operating across numerous fields due to its user-friendly user interface, advanced analytic tools and cloud deployment model.

SAP Analytics Cloud’s ability to connect to various data sources on both premises and in the cloud is one of its hallmark features, making it invaluable for businesses that use multiple systems, including ERP, CRM and HCM, for collecting their information.

Taking full advantage of data collected across these various systems enables enterprises to unlock their value for optimizing business decisions and making the right business decisions more quickly.

SAP allows users to access real-time information for analysis and reporting by offering real-time data communication services.

SAP Analytic Cloud Training equips customers with significant business insights and analytics tools to analyse data more effectively and drive digital transformation.

SAP Solutions integrates seamlessly, offering customers using SAP software a smooth experience.

The SAP Analytics Cloud offers customers diverse analytical capabilities tailored to meet individual customer requirements. Users have the power to convert raw data into helpful analysis formats through self-service data preparation tools that make data preparation simple.

Users will also have access to various data visualisation choices, including charts, graphs and dashboards that help present findings in an engaging yet understandable fashion.

Users have access to interactive data visualisations, enabling them to easily explore data in detail and discover any buried patterns or trends.

Sap Analytic Cloud classes programmes provide students with a thorough learning experience that allows them to become experts in the most advanced business intelligence and analytics solutions.

Furthermore, SAP Analytics Cloud gives access to advanced analytic capabilities like predictive analysis and machine learning – giving users access to advanced analytical solutions as needed.

Users have access to features that enable them to go beyond standard reports and gain more significant insights into their data, giving them greater insights than typical reporting tools can offer.

Users using predictive analytics can utilize historical data and make decisions based on this analysis; using algorithms used for machine learning, they can detect patterns, anomalies and correlations within it.

SAP Analytics Cloud certification certifies your knowledge of leveraging the power of cloud-based analytics data and reporting tools to get deeper insights into company processes and optimise performance.

The SAP Analytics Cloud places great emphasis on collaborative work. Users can share reports, dashboards and data models between themselves for easier collaboration and foster an environment in which decisions are driven by data alone.

Users can add comments and annotations to specific data points, further improving internal communication and collaboration within an organisation.

SAP Analytics is a popular course that provides thorough training for anyone seeking to develop the skills and knowledge required to generate meaningful insights from complicated data in an enterprise-level context.

SAP Analytics Cloud online course offers extensive analytics courses to assist learners in becoming skilled in utilising SAP technology to acquire insights into their data.

Users can easily access and analyse data with their chosen tools due to SAP’s ability to embed analytics directly in apps like SAP Fiori or Microsoft Office.

Today’s data-centric society greatly values security and data governance – something SAP Analytics Cloud helps address.

This platform incorporates numerous security mechanisms to safeguard data, including user identification and authorization, role-based access restrictions and data encryption.

SAP provides tools for data governance that enable organisations to set policies, maintain quality data and comply with legal requirements more efficiently, ultimately increasing the trustworthiness of analytics platforms as service delivery tools.

SAP Analytics Cloud’s use in the cloud offers organizations numerous advantages. First, this approach removes the requirement for on-premise infrastructure maintenance costs and simplifies deployment.

Organisations can utilise SAP without being restricted by physical gear to expand their analytic capabilities to meet individual business requirements. Users can access analytics wherever they may be and make well-informed decisions regardless of where they may be.

Integrating SAP Analytics Cloud with other SAP products creates a holistic business environment.’

SAP Analytics Cloud online training empowers learners to take their analytical talents to the next level.

A business that uses SAP’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system can seamlessly link its financial and operational data with SAP for comprehensive analyses across its entire business process.

Data consistency is ensured without having to perform tedious manual data extraction or replication tasks, which saves both time and work.

SAP Analytics Cloud provides businesses with an all-encompassing, sophisticated cloud analytics platform designed to unlock the hidden value within their data.

SAP gives users access to insights, makes informed decisions, and achieves business outcomes with a wide array of analytic capabilities, a user-friendly interface, and seamless connectivity to other SAP products.

Collaboration, security and scalability have contributed to its increasing popularity with businesses.




SAP Analytics Cloud unifies business intelligence (BI) and analytics in one integrated solution that empowers teams to quickly access, integrate, and analyse their data to address complex problems and make more intelligent choices. Reports, analytics dashboards and visualisations provided through this cloud help organisations make more intelligent choices rapidly.
Visualisation: SAP Analytics Cloud helps users visualize data visually, creating interactive dashboards. Predictive Analytics: SAP Analytics Cloud uses machine learning models to analyse trends in data trends and provide valuable insights. Collaboration: SAP Analytics Cloud allows organisations to share data and visualisations safely.
SAP Analytics Cloud offers interactive dashboards, stories, reports and intelligent predictive insights, providing actionable data insights quickly! Incorporating data from both SAP systems as well as external sources. SAP Analytics Cloud helps its customers explore data with advanced text analysis capabilities and machine learning to predict events; predictive analytics improve decision-making processes.
No - this cloud-based analytics tool offers users a graphical user interface that enables them to build visualisations and interactive storytelling without needing any code to create visualisations and storytelling projects.
SAP Analytics Cloud is an enterprise business intelligence and analytics platform that empowers data scientists, analysts and business users alike to understand their data more deeply. Although technically not classified as a "data warehouse", analytical data stored there could become part of its repository.
Fundamentals Modelling and Data Connections Models, Measures, Dimensions as Visual Storytelling Prediction Planning Insights Mobile Analytics Cooperation Governance Troubleshooting.
Becoming certified requires taking part in testing; SAP-Certified Application Associate--SAP Analytics Cloud tests your understanding of SAP Analytics Cloud basics, tools and features. Register on SAP Training & Certification's exam schedule - successful candidates receive their SAP Analytics Cloud certificate!
Lectures, demonstrations, hands-on labs and evaluations are standard features in these online SAP Analytics Cloud courses; such courses typically cover basic knowledge and data modelling, analytics data integration and visualisation techniques related to SAP Analytic Cloud.
Online SAP Analytic Cloud training offers flexibility. Timetables may be adjusted according to individual or corporate demands by breaking extensive work into several sessions and scheduling employee training online instead of at physical locations. Furthermore, employee training online reduces instructor costs, expenses, and travel. Audio, videos and tests are provided online to improve module understanding, while reviewing online and repeating exams help students grasp complex concepts more thoroughly.
Exams determine SAP Analytic Cloud certification costs, typically $550 USD ($650 for non-SAP training partners).


  • 1. Technical Prerequisites
  • To utilize SAP Analytics Cloud successfully, specific technical prerequisites must be fulfilled.
  • SAP Analytics Cloud successfully: WB = Chromium Based Browser = Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
  • Operating Systems (Microsoft Windows or macOS), RAM: At least 4GB and CPU Type Modern Dual Core CPU.
  • Screen Resolution 1280x1024 or greater may also be needed, as will Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 8 or later be present for this system to operate correctly.
  • 2. Software Prerequisites
  • Version 2009 or 1911 of S/4HANA.
  • When applicable, SAP BusinessObjects version 4.3 and later are supported, along with SAP HANA platform 2.0 and higher platforms and MaxDB/Sybase ASE versions. Finally, Analytics Hub version 6.5 or later and Data Intelligence 3.0 or later is supported.
  • - Other applications: SAP Analytics Cloud can connect to various data sources.


  • Real-Time Analysis: SAP Analytics Cloud equips organisations to make educated real-time choices based on information uploaded into its cloud storage, helping organisations exploit opportunities and adapt quickly to changing market developments.
  • Predictive analytics: SAP Analytics Cloud uses machine learning techniques to power predictive analytics, providing businesses with reliable ways to predict future events and adjust operations based on anticipated changes. These algorithms help companies anticipate possible occurrences accurately.
  • Visualisation Tools: SAP Analytics Cloud offers various visual analytics tools for quickly creating visually appealing dashboards and reports with helpful, informative graphics that enable users to spot patterns promptly in vast volumes of data. These visualizations also facilitate data mining via custom reports for future reference or other purposes.
  • Collaborative features: SAP Analytics Cloud offers collaborative features such as document sharing, chat rooms and online discussion boards to make team analysis and data discussions possible from any device.
  • Prepared dashboards: Businesses may utilize SAP Analytics Cloud to access preconfigured dashboards that give an in-depth view into critical aspects of company operations, which they can tailor according to individual company needs and specifications.

Target audiences

  • SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) is an end-to-end analytics solution hosted in the cloud designed to assist businesses of all kinds - from SMBs and large enterprises alike.
  • Users have access to an accessible platform that empowers them to easily construct reports, conduct comprehensive data analyses and communicate their findings with one another.
  • SAP Analytics Cloud's ideal customers include business users, marketing specialists, finance specialists and data analysts - they make up its target audience.
  • Its goal is to meet the individual requirements of these user groups, offering them tools that enable them to quickly generate dashboards and reports, uncover links in data sets, identify patterns within, and communicate their findings rapidly with team members.
  • SAC gives users easy access and analysis of data from a wide variety of popular data sources through a conversational and intuitive interface, along with machine learning techniques that automate some time-consuming operations.
  • Additionally, scaling is straightforward to meet the demands of larger organizations without complicated data architectures being necessary.
  • SAP Analytics Cloud is an outstanding way for businesses to make sound decisions and maximize their chances of success.